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The first words spoken on "The Path to 9/11" are at check-in at Logan Airport at 7:13 a.m. "O.K., Mr. Atta," an American Airlines agent says over the clickety-clack of computer keys. "One way, nonstop to Los Angeles, no return."

No return indeed. We certainly had no interest in watching that show, so we'll take the Times' word for it. Though it turns out 9/11 ringleader Mohammed Atta actually started with a US Airways flight in Portland, Maine, not an American Airlines flight in Boston. Sure, he later did transfer to that AA flight in Boston, but it was a connecting flight, damn you! As American indignantly insists, Atta never had that perky across-the-counter exchange with one of their ticket agents. Plus, they retroactively took away all of Atta's AAdvantage miles.

American Airlines Protests Its Portrayal in ABC's 'Path to 9/11' [Ad Age]