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The reason for venture capitalist Tom Perkins's resignation from the HP board of directors became clear today when Newsweek reported that chairwoman Patricia Dunn sniffed out directors' home phone records using possibly illegal methods of "pretexting" (obtaining personal info under false pretenses).

It's a complex case, with the SEC still investigating whether to make several explanatory documents public. In short, Dunn searched for a board member who leaked info to CNET News by investigating private records. She found the leaker, who refuses to resign, but Perkins (who later found he was also a victim of pretexting) quit the board. The SEC (and Perkins) say that HP hasn't properly filed the reason for Perkins's resignation — because HP doesn't want to implicate itself for Dunn's risky behavior.

As another incestuous side note, Newsweek says that board member Larry Babbio is president of Verizon, which has chased down pretexters.

Intrigue in High Places [Newsweek]
Photos by Paul Sakuma / AP (left); Eric Risberg / AP