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Let's bring all this Eric Schmidt obsession to a glorious climax by citing columnist John C. Dvorak, who says the Google CEO could, as an Apple board member, finally engineer a long-rumored merger of Apple and Sun Microsystems.

As with Dvorak's best ideas, it's so crazy it just might work. For one, Schmidt doesn't need to do much day-to-day work at Google, thanks to hands-on management from co-presidents Larry and Sergey.

Speaking of Larry and Sergey, Schmidt's Google experience gave him a refresher course on managing a partnership of two dynamic, demanding personalities. Compare Apple's Steve Jobs to Sergey and Sun's Jon Schwartz to Larry, and Schmidt already has the Cliff Notes for this deal.

Finally, Schmidt knows Sun. He spent years there, rising to the post of Chief Technology Officer. The chance to jump back in the fray would be a great change from babysitting a pair of billionaires while they pimp out their jet. If Eric's really ready for action, he'll push the Apple board closer to that long-awaited merger.

Is an Apple-Sun merger in the works? [MarketWatch]