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"Sergey Brin, co-founder of Google (and worth 6.8 billion), uses a solar-powered mobile phone..." — London Times, August 27

"Hey, Larry? Hey. It's me. Listen, this could cut out at any time beca—"

"Oh hell, I'm sorry, yes, it's my phone, yeah, that one, solar... No, I have to use it, it's good for the press, Larry... No, it's not my fault we got fu— WELL I NEEDED A BIG BED LARRY — what about the hammocks? That looked great in the Jour—"

"Sorry, phone again, it's so cloudy today... Okay, forget the press, I'm calling about our "apps for your domain" package. How did Page Creator end up in there?... No, Larry, we won't rename it "Brin Creator" because it sucks. No. No, listen to me, Larry. Larry, you sound distracted. Are you playing with the Legos?"

"Me again. Someone closed the blinds. I hear you playing with the Legos, Larry. Drop them and pay attention...I don't care what model it is — what? Oh damn, Lego made a Boeing 787 Dreamliner? Well fuck me, go build it dude! We'll talk business later. Peace out."