• That's right, keep telling yourself you're not a walking fucking cliche, with your pink-colored blog, chicklit links and overuse of your laptop's built-in thesaurus. [Kitty Can Scratch]
• It's the age-old debate: doing something you love, or making money. Because apparently, you can't do both. [No, a door is not a Duncan.]
• Good reasons not to smoke pot, or be one of those couples that dress alike. [The Liam McEneaney Experience]
• They seemed to miss this scenario in He's Just Not That Into You. [Smallhands Ick]
• More frightening tales of tremendous laziness and man-eating bugs. [The Three-Toed Sloth]
• If you decided to go to IKEA, you have no right to complain about anything. In the words of Thom Yorke, you [did] it to yourself. [they call me concha]
• Help pick the sexiest city. Hey, everyone loves New York, right? [Gridskipper]