Trade Round-Up: Hollywood Still Making Peace WIth Possible Loss Of Gift Bags
Sundance organizers are "thrilled" that the IRS is cracking down on gift bags, while recently re-elected AMPAS president Sid Ganis is sweetly naive about how the crackdown might affect A-list actors' desire to show up at the Oscars and read bad awards presentation Telepromtper copy: "Presenters appear on our show because they want to be part of the Academy Awards, to help us celebrate our art form." [Variety]
The CW assures its affiliates that it has an unspecified "contingency plan" for America's Next Top Model should labor disputes continue past the 13 already-produced episodes of this "cycle," consisting mostly of stopping the camera and shouting at the contestants, "We're gonna cut off your bottled water allowance if you skinny bitches don't do something interesting right now.". [THR]
Will nearly a solid year of online hype boost Snakes on a Plane to a huge opening, or just an OK, B-horror-movie one? That's the motherfucking million dollar question, isn't it? [Variety]
NBC files a complaint with the National Labor Relations Board claiming the WGA has instructed showrunners to refuse to provide material for webisodes, believing that existing contracts allow them to bleed writers for as much web material as they please. [THR]
The "Disco Duck" guy is returning to L.A. radio. Please refrain from soiling yourself from excitement. [Variety]