Hot on the trail of the "man flab" trend, those progressive dandies over at Details feature an article on the return of curves in Hollywood — "FAT IS BACK," etc. Otherwise likeable writer Holly Millea argues that actresses like Rachel Weisz, Kate Winslet and Catherine Zeta-Jones are paving the way for calorie-loving girls everywhere, fighting the Nicole Richies of the world one sandwich at a time. Notes Salon's Broadsheet Broad Rebecca Traister:

Details is a men's magazine and it's clearly pretty proud of itself for its enlightened celebration of flesh over sinew. And so it illustrates its story with a pig — a pig's ass, no less. And, in doing so, suggests that all the beautiful women name-checked in the story for being healthy and sexy are actually farm animals. But wait! The pig photo isn't enough. No, click on the accompanying feature, the "Curves Ahead" slide show, featuring "a visual smorgasbord of the sexiest plate-scrapers ever." Notice that the slug for the slide show includes the word "Fatties."

And, to drive the point home, they included Miss Piggy in the slide show.

Hollywood and Swine [Broadsheet]
Why Fat Is Back in Hollywood [Details]