GAWKED: OMG, have you seen that picture of Andrea Peyser with Boy George?
GAWKED: "I'm chasing a ROCK STAR. If I dress in denim and black shades, he'll think I'm one of them and open up to me!"
GAWKEDTOO: Hmm. She's rocking the denim cowgirl look.
GAWKEDTOO: But otherwise not terrible, to be honest.
GAWKED: I love the notepad. It screams "girl reporter." She's like a post-menopausal Brenda Starr.
GAWKEDTOO: The rolled up jeans are sporty and spunky. You can't fault her for that.
GAWKED: Her hatchet-faced scowl always did scream "practicality," I guess.

Related: "He sweeps like your gay granny." [NYP]
[Photo: A.P.]