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Conde Nast's website for Glamour relaunched this month, bringing with it a bunch of corporate-approved, newfangled blogs on fashion, beauty, and — oh yes — sex. Specifically, the sex life of former Us Weekly reporter Alyssa Shelasky, who will do her best Carrie Bradshaw impression with her own blog, "See Alyssa Date." According to Eat the Press, Shelasky will be "sharing the details of her various dating adventures with her readers," who will respond with their comments and, somewhat horrifyingly, an online poll to decide how Alyssa should conduct her love life. Worst of all, Glamour EIC Cindi Leive says that poor Shelasky will have to "take [readers'] counsel seriously."

The Shelasky endeavor is very interesting for Glamour should the magazine be refashioning itself as some sort of sick sociological experimentation center, but poor Alyssa. She better start getting used to reader polls now.

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Life Blogging the Lovin': Unveils "See Alyssa Date" [Eat the Press]
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