Bezos Beloved

One of Valleywag's eternal would-be contibutors, who tirelessly forwards us his precisely HTML-encoded attacks on Amazon and its founder Jeff Bezos, sent this little nugget about the Bezos family's literary lives.
Tongues wagged when The Testing of Luther Albright, the first novel from MacKenzie (wife-of-Jeff) Bezos, debuted to glowing Amazon reviews and a thumbs-up from Nobel laureate Toni Morrison, who Ms. Bezos toiled for during her '88-'92 stint at Princeton.
Now comes word that Bezos' freshman effort, which was greeted with mixed reviews, has been named one of the year's best novels by the American Book Awards, which similarly honored Morrison's Pulitzer-winning effort Beloved back in '88.
Nice to see you can attend an elite boarding school, go to Princeton, work for a hedge fund, marry a billionaire and still snag an award aimed at recognizing and encouraging multicultural diversity with a tome about middle-aged white male angst...