Really, Couldn't 'Radar' Be a Little More Fleshy?

For our last Jeffrey Epstein post of the day, some random gossip on the billionaire money man with a penchant for manually pleasuring himself and his underage "masseuses:"
• During the era of Radar 2.0, which was funded by Epstein and Daily News publisher Mort Zuckerman, Epstein was said to call EIC Maer Roshan after every issue, demanding that the magazine have more T&A. If he's paying for it, he better be able to beat off to it.
• Speaking of Mort Zuckerman, has anyone else noticed the complete lack of Epstein coverage in the Daily News? A billionaire sex scandal, and not a peep out of a major tabloid. But like Zuckerman's going to let his paper run anything negative on his brah? Bros