• AMD (Advanced Micro Devices) pays $5.4 billion for ATI Technologies, which is about 5 times the fake valuation of YouTube and twice the fake valuation of Facebook. [NYT]
  • One more score for the tiered Internet. The quality of the average Voice-over-IP call is falling, and not just because of the Vonage operator breathing heavily in the background. [CNET]
  • AOL co-founder Steve Case tells Charlie Rose, "Yes, I'm sorry I did it," about merging with Time Warner in 2001. A quick check with every executive at AOL says yeah, they're sorry he did it too. [Reuters]
  • Real estate site Zillow, another tool for pretending your house is worth more than it is, takes $25 million in its second round of funding. It has yet to make a profit. [SiliconBeat]
  • A judge considers a $90 million Google clickfraud lawsuit; if advertisers win, they get credits to advertise with Google, thus ensuring a gravy train of recursive clickfraud lawsuits for life. [BusinessWeek]