'Entourage''s Lloyd Latest Victim Of Gay Eunuch Syndrome

Fans of Entourage are already more than familiar with the work of Rex Lee, the actor who portrays Lloyd, Ari Gold's much-abused, yet fiercely loyal, assistant. AfterElton.com interviewed the openly gay Lee about the part, and while he promised Lloyd will be on the receiving end of many more flying staplers and almost-too-skillfully-delivered pejorative comments from Jeremy Piven regarding his race and/or sexuality, don't expect the writers to give the long-suffering agent-in-training a sex life any time soon:
Though Lee swears that Lloyd has some very specific career ambitions he'd like to achieve, Lloyd is perhaps the only male regular on Entourage who doesn't seem to be thinking with what's in his pants. Instead, Lloyd is goal-oriented and professional, even while Ari may be diddling a Swedish model on his lunch break. In fact, Lee said he doesn't feel Lloyd's sexuality figures very prominently into his personality.
"I don't often think about my character being gay," Lee said. "Being gay is more about who you fall in love with and up until now I feel like I've been playing this character who just happens to be gay—and clearly, in the universe of the show, he is gay—but you never know if he goes on any dates or anything."
Sadly, it seems that Lloyd is just the latest in a long line of TV characters who suffers from the Gay Eunuch Syndrome, there simply to look sharp and perhaps distract us with some saucy banter while straight characters drop their pants in the background and cartwheel from bed to bed. What makes the case of Lloyd particularly ironic, however, is that on homosexual-subtext-heavy Entourage, the four-way cohabitant relationship between Vince, E, Turtle, and Drama is gayer than any scenario the writers could dream up involving Lloyd scoring some down and dirty, post-Abbey casting assistant action in the back seat of his prop car from The Fast and the Furious.