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In a column this Sunday concerning Peter Cook's dalliances, Linda Stasi makes the claim that, when it comes to relationships, her own gender is oft sinned against, but never sinning.

ASK a woman - any woman - if she'd ever cheat on George Clooney. Go ahead, I dare you. If she says "yes," then there's no doubt: She's a lunatic, a liar, or a lesbian.

Could it be true? Are women really that trust-worthy when it comes to the case of George Clooney? To test the accuracy of this assertion we've come up with a quick poll. If you're the kind of woman who would cheat on George Clooney, please answer the simple question below. We'll forward the results on to Linda, who will be no doubt thrilled to hear from us.

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Beauties & The Beasts Who Cheat On Them [NYP]