After noting the hullabaloo regarding's defiance in continuing to sell cockfighting magazines, we asked for your help in locating even more objectionable periodicals that Amazon enthusiastically pimps for purchase. You responded with gusto, and we present a gallery of favorites after the jump.

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Red Scream - Everyone's favorite hot zombie goth chick cannibalism niche publication.

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Paddles - They've taken this kink for a 100-issue ride, and no one's stopping them now. Hard to believe with cover art of this quality, which looks like a rejected New Yorker cartoon. Write your own caption!

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A Bear's Life - For someone dubbed "Mr. International Bear 2006," cover bear Pedro Veral sure likes to recline on a big, fluffy, cushy comforter. One would think that his shedding would really show up on that thing. (Perhaps that's the point.)

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Racing Pigeon Bulletin - "Butch Poppa" really sounds like someone from the pages of A Bear's Life.

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Lubes-n-Greases - Finally, you no longer need buy separate magazines to get the latest news on lubes or greases.

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American Cooner - Well, there's the name, for starters. Just doesn't sit right, to use the vernacular. Though it is fun to say.

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Sheep! - We're sorry, but this is quite obviously the best magazine ever produced, anywhere. The name says it all, with authority. Then you got a "ewe" pun right there on the cover; how often does a sheep magazine use that joke? We're guessing, every issue, repeatedly. Then there's the hot power-shearing pictorial, bum-lamb feeding, and for God's sake, "Postmortem semen extraction." Why the hell are you still reading Harper's Weekly?