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A reader submits this brief report of possibly intoxicated Saturn-overturner Haley Joel Osment's whereabouts several hours before last night's much-publicized, abruptly inverted thrill ride:

I attended the Muse concert at the Greek Theater on Wed 7/19. Minutes after walking into the theater, which was about 20 minutes before the show started at 7:30pm, we noticed a short little guy walking towards us, immediately knowing it was none other than child-actor-all-grown-up Haley Joel Osment. My friend turned to him quickly as he passed by and asked him if he was a fan of Eisley (which we both knew he was). Interested in an obvious question, he turned to us and said that he was in fact a fan. We mentioned how we saw him at the Eisley concert at the House of Blues a month or two ago. So HJO is an Eisley and Muse fan. This all, by the way, happened hours before he was in a late night wreck going home after a supposed night of a drinking. Haley, you are a first class guy and polite enough to talk to random people. Hope this isn't a serious issue for your career.

Of course, all this report really tells us is that Osment appeared sober enough at the Muse show to chat with a fan without flying into an alcohol-fueled rage at being recognized. (We're not trying to suggest anything, we just kind of love the idea of Osment drunkenly kicking some ass for no good reason.) Also, by way of update on his hospitalization, the LAT reports that "Haley Joel Osment wants everyone to know he will be OK." The status of the unfortunate 1995 Saturn is still undisclosed.