Today in the media's heart-stoppingly exciting coverage of Peter Cook, the Southampton architect who ruined his marriage to fermented supermodel Christie Brinkley by sleeping with his 19-year-old assistant Diana Bianchi: 29-year-old Hamptonite Samantha Cole re-announces that she slept with Peter Cook too, you know. Cole, a pop singer who recorded one or two dance songs last century and is eager to remind the world of her existence, notes that the affair with Bianchi almost mirrors her own experience with Cook 10 years ago, who she then worked for and slept with when she too was 19. Perhaps, then, fresh-faced Diana Bianchi might want to take note of Cole's aesthetic fate.

This image was lost some time after publication.

At left, an undated picture of Cole, presumably taken when she was first acheiving recognition in 1996 or 1997 (and around the time she was sleeping with Cook). At right, Cole yesterday in the Hamptons.

Bianchi, you've been warned.

I Was Christie Cad's Lolita #1 [NYP]

Earlier: Gawker's Twatty Coverage

Friedman on Cook and Cole