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PrivacyWatch celebrity sightings are submitted by our readers. Send yours to tips[AT] (please put "sighting" or "PrivacyWatch" in the subject line) and let everyone know about the (most recent) time you saw Paula Abdul sobbing into a cellphone.

In this week's episode: Brad Pitt; Matthew McConaughey, Lance Armstrong and Don Rickles; Lindsay Lohan; Ellen Degeneres and Portia de Rossi; Ed Burns; Matt Dillon; Charlize Theron; Paula Abdul; Chris Rock; Bobby Brown and Whitney Houston; Nicole Richie; Kate Beckinsale; Anna Paquin; Adrien Grenier; Jesse Metcalfe; Jason Patric; Michael Vartan; Morgan Spurlock; Gary Marshall; Elizabeth Berkley; John Cho; Bai Ling; Jacklyn Smith; Joseph Fiennes; Hank Azaria; Gary Busey; Edward Furlong; Travis Barker; Michael Rosenbaum; Henry Rollins; Shawn Pyfrom and Bill Nye.

· Brad Pitt eating dinner with an older manager type on the patio at Malo in Silverlake. Smoking, drinking a margarita and chowing on some tacos. He seemed cool, unlike the very unhip hipsters who were gathered on the smoking patio not smoking and oogling him. I love the habanero salsa but thats a long drive from Malibu just for some tacos.

· Yo! Thursday night, July 6th at Nobu Malibu (yeah, that's how I roll) a very scruffy Matthew McConaughey made the scene with none other than 7 time Tour De France champion Lance Armstrong. And the two Texans seemed to get a real kick out of the original hockey puck himself, Don Rickles, who stopped by their table to chat on his way out the door.

· While heading to the Hollywood Bowl Thursday evening, we hit a little traffic snag on Sunset just before Doheny. As various lane changes took place (will we never learn that makes NO difference?!), my husband managed to cut off a black, top of the line Mercedes convertible. The car promptly honked and flashed the bird, and as I turned around to take all of this in, I noticed the driver was none other than Lindsay Lohan. Smoking a ciggy, red nail polish, ridiculously large designer sunglasses and of course the signature "firecrotch" red hair. Some petite brunette was in the passenger side. Once she maneuvered around us, she proceeded to punch it, weaving in and out of traffic before taking a right on Doheny. You go, hot stuff! I guess you can afford to buy cars as fast as you can wreck 'em...

· dateline chateau marmont..

sunday 7.9
ellen degeneres and incredibly hot portia de naturally gorgeous...having lunch...
an unbelievably fantastic looking ed burns having cocktails with friends...

monday 7.10
matt dillon checking in, he has an amazing voice, not too shabby on the eyes either...

tuesday 7.11
charlize theron in all her amazon goddess-ness (is that even a word?)
paula abdul crying (literally...into her cell-phone) on the stairs...

· 7/9 - First day back from being gone for a week and already spot someone... Chris Rock picking up a newspaper and eating lunch solo at the Century City mall food court.

· I was driving from Studio City to Hollywood on Cahuenga Thursday evening. I was at that part of Cahuenga where it turns into a complete clusterfuck if there is any kind of event going on at the Hollywood Bowl. So, I was sitting in traffic cursing the Belle & Sebastian concert when my boyfriend noticed Bobby Brown and Whitney Houston in the car next to us. I thought for sure we would be in for some drug addled fun while trying to negotiate the traffic, but Mr. Brown flipped a bitch and sped out of there before I really got a good look. But, Whitney didn't look worse for the wear as tabloids might suggest, just thin as a rail.

· Nicole Richie outside of Gucci on Rodeo with a blond friend (didn't get a close enough look to see if it was droopy-faced Rachel Zoe). They were being yelled at by a cute-ish guy with a bull horn in a funky old red truck . He was yelling his cell number out his window to her as he made a left onto Wilshire. She was smiling very excitedly and entered the number into her phone. She looked cute, but her teeth were blindingly white and despite wearing uber-trendy tapered skinny jeans, she was swimming in them.

· Saturday, July 8 - Leaving Acadie in Santa Monica for birthday crepe dinner when I saw a dark haired woman with bug sunglasses hurrying after small child. I had an instinctive moment where I knew I recognized the woman, but thought it was Posh Spice and that she was going to eat me. Imagine my joy, then, when I heard the voice of Kate Beckinsale telling her daughter to stop running because she might 'run into a bush'. I personally thought the twenty people on the sidewalk were a much likelier target for the young Beck's enthusiasm, but apparently Kate was unaware of us little people as she chased after the girl and smacked at her bottom, and had the youngster smack up at her bottom. Incidentally she was wearing bizarrely peach designer jeans (couldn't tell the label) and looked healthy - the recent skeletor shot was either a bad angle or photo shopped. However, I am still in dire fear of being ritually eaten by someone in bug-eye sunglasses.

· Wednesday July 5 - Stopped by WeHo Whole Foods, where I have never seen a celeb despite its chic reputation, and walked by the health & beauty aisle where a girl who looked like Anna Paquin was shopping. After getting my frozens I circled back for a second view and discovered, lo and behold, Anna Paquin! White wife beater over black bra, a usually trashy look which Anna managed to pull off with innocence and class. And her khaki shorts were filled out by actual flesh, no anorexia alerts for Ms. Paquin. She had no makeup on but looked cute and fresh, which I discovered after semi-stalking her in the deli section and then onto the dairy aisle, where I had to ask her to move and she politely obliged. It almost made me want to sit through Fly Away Home while not on a bus ride to NorCal.

· I almost collided with Adrien Grenier at the Nature Mart on Hillhurst this past Saturday afternoon (7/8). Since peeps are always mentioning their various physical impressions of him in person, I gotta say he's a lot skinnier than I expected. He was carrying a box of health food and drove off in his Prius because he cares about saving the world, according to In Style mag.

· Beverly Hill's desperate attempt to bombard me with celebrity sightings before I finally leave my crappy job here continues. This time we were walking down Camden and spotted Jesse Metcalfe skulking in a doorway while talking on his cel. The would-be John Tucker was very much alive in black T, jeans, and surprisingly hetero eyebrows. No idea why he was there or where he was heading; plenty of restaurants for him to discuss his amazing career potential with bored industry types mumbling 'of course the gardener was just the beginning.'

· Saw Jason Patric watching the World Cup final yesterday at O'Briens on Wilshire in Santa Monica. This, in and of itself, is no surprise. Mr. Patric's career as a trivia league enforcer began at O'Briens, so it's reasonable to assume he's a local. What was interesting, however, was his choice of viewing companion. Javier Bardem actually arrived before Patric, looking far more side-burned and Andre-The-Giant-ish than one might expect. Italy scored their first half-equalizer just as he walked in, and Bardem's subsequent celebration can only be described as "girlish." He bounced up and down on his toes while thrusting both fists into the air like he was in an old toyota commercial. Doubly strange, really, because once he found Patric and the two repaired to a booth, he became subdued and didn't even celebrate his team's eventual victory. Patric looked sort of handsome and smug the whole time.

· last nite (7/12) saw Michael Vartan at the lounge inside the Hotel Sofitel on Beverly and La Cienega. He was with a mountain man looking dude...He didn't look like he'd be much fun to hang out with. Maybe he's so brooding because he can't get over the fact that Jennifer left him for a has been.

· Saw Morgan Spurlock pacing in front of Teaforest in Culver City Weds 7-12 at 10:15. He was talking on his cell phone/blackberry and rocking a purple, silk(?) button-up shirt. He is tall. Got an iced drink there then walked to a Lincoln towncar and the driver opened the back door for him to get into. The license plate: Diva 66.

· 7/10 Gary Marshall riding in a golf cart in Franklin Canyon to the set of Georgia Rule (s?) I think there was some "talent" in the cart with him but I didn't recognize anyone. He looked tanned and sporty.

· Last night I saw Jessie Spano!! (elizabeth berkley) at the 9pm Pirates on the Santa Monica Promenade. She looked gorgeous and was really friendly & chatty when me and my drunk friends tried to squeeze through the row. I'm always mildly disappointed when 90s stars don't go off the deep end and turn out like Natasha Lyonne, but whatever, Showgirls ruled.

· Friday night, July 7 at The Vermont in Los Feliz Village: John Cho (of Harold & Kumar, American Pie, etc.) with a group of friends. He was quite touchy-feely with another male member of his crew, causing my companion to speculate on his sexuality. Personally, he didn't set off any blips on my gaydar.

· I saw Bai Ling eating with a heavy white man and a white woman around her age at King's Road cafe sitting outside tonight around 7:00. She looked fairly sane but trashy nonetheless. When she was leaving we saw her limping and thought she'd hurt her foot, but it turned out the thong of her flip flop had broken. She stumbled across the street with her girl friend (man left earlier) and it looked like they were having a good time.

· Spotted "Charlie's Angel" Jacklyn Smith at the Bean on Beverly and Robertson. Perfect pilates body and face looked thirty-five tops. I want her surgeon's card, or failing that, the same deal Missy has made with Satan. I couldn't help but stare; she gave me awinning smile on her way out. Bitch.

· Ok so I give The Tower Bar-at-The-Sunset-at-The-Argyle-at-The-St.James or whatever the hell its called another chance after one particularly dull Sat. night there

Sunday night is "BURGER NIGHT" (read $25 for a inferior Quarter-Ponder with Cheese) Again, at 40, I am the youngest person in the room by about 40 years; the only other occupied table is taken by Betsy Bloomingdale & Bob Colacello of Vanity Fair & some other unidentied gentleman (also AARP) 4th seat empty...I guess NANCY REAGAN couldn't make it! BB looks great for 100 or whatever.

Thank God that JOSEPH (I -did-a- Best- Picture- with- Gwyneth- but- my- brother- with- the- tricky- first- name- is- still- more- famous) FIENNES walked in; thereby lowering the odds of a "cardiac incident" occurring & paramedics being called! ugh!

· On Wednesday, 7/12, I saw Hank Azaria on Santa Monica Blvd. heading West, just past Westwood Blvd. in a brand new Aston Martin convertible. He had the top down, yapping on his cell phone, wifebeater tee. He was gesticulating wildly. I came back after lunch and told my assistant I saw the scuba man and she said she also saw him a few days earlier, same car, same top down, same wifebeater. I'm already tired of that Aston Martin convertible—all those dorks on Entourage also drive it.
saturday 7/8

· I saw Gary Busey across the street from the Cher convention at the Marriot in Woodland Hills. He was pumping his own gas (Porsche) at that gas station on Topanga right by the freeway entrance. He was wearing a big white swag t-shirt, flip flops and looked a bit overheated and puffy. Please note that proximity to Cher convention is not a sighting AT the Cher convention, but just suspect enough to mention.

· I saw Edward Furlong at Cafe 50s on Santa Monica. A guy bummed a cigarette off of him and paid him for it.

· Not sure if this is where you're supposed to send celeb sightings, but saw Travis Barker from Blink 182 at Matsuhisa last night. He rolled up with a few other guys, went inside and sat in the corner for about 30 minutes, came outside and had a smoke, spit in the gutter about 6 times (disgusting) and then left. I can't imagine they possibly had time to actually eat, but hey. They were there.

· I know this may be a little late coming, but it was such a fantastic sighting, I've decided to report it. At the June 13th Huey Lewis and the News and Chicago show at the Greek, I was sitting about 6 rows back when my eyes were essentially accosted by a man that I can only describe as a SUPERFAN. He single-handedly roused the crowd to dance, sing, scream and clap. He knew EVERY song, had innovative dance moves for every opportunity and guzzled beer like it was his job. By the end of the show, he had pushed his way to the front of the venue and was simultaneously chucking back more alcohol and dancing with women who were at least three times his age. He repeated these same antics a few nights later at the Hall and Oats show at Royce Hall at UCLA. Boy loves his oldies. Who was it? MICHAEL ROSENBAUM from "Smallville." The boy can dance and drink and has great taste in music. I am sold.

· Friday, July 7th. Outside of Trader Joe's on Santa Monica (near La Brea). Saw Henry Rollins exit the store with a single bag of groceries. Dressed like a typical punk rocker in a T-shirt and cargo shorts. Most surprising— his hair was completely gray! It probably doesn't need saying, but Henry looked very angry.

· June 29th, Radiohead concert Shawn Pyfrom, Andrew from Desperate Housewives leading his pack of dudes from the merchandies area. Amazingly, he didn't do anything evil or prick-ish.

· Hello there, long time listener first time caller. Just saw BILL NYE THE SCIENCE GUY at the Ventura and Laurel Coffee Bean, explaining the mechanisms by which coffee machines work to his co-venturers. He is as handsome in person as he is on the silver screen!