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Tom Cruise's unwillingness to build a replica of an upscale shopping street in his Telluride compound has come back to haunt him, as caffeine-addicted incubator-unit Katie Holmes was beset by an Us Weekly reporter during her contractually mandated, bi-monthly Starbucks run, then promptly violated Team Cruise's total embargo on releasing any information about the couple's suspiciously unseen, possibly imaginary child. Reports Us:

"Suri's doing great!" Holmes told Us before hopping into the passenger seat of her blue Hummer H3 and heading home. "She's back at the house."

According to the photo accompanying the story, Holmes' brief trip was supervised by one of her Cruise-supplied "best friends," so we'll never know if her brief, verbal confirmation of Suri's existence was sincere or nothing more than an attempt not to lose her cherished "outside time" for talking to the press.