NYP On the Newsstand: Serious Imaginative Enjoyment

Pounding out capsule summaries is a thankless business, and when it comes to the New York Post's "On the Newsstand," who knows if the column's crafted by one person, five people, or ten monkeys. As usual, it's impossible to track the prejudices of the hidden author(s)/monkey(s) in this week's incarnation. Observe certain questionable word usage. Is it sarcasm? Irony? Blithe semantic indifference? You be the judge. Summarizing Seventeen:
We also enjoyed the breakup letter from a 21-year-old guy to his girlfriend and the article on how a 16-year-old girl found out her boyfriend was a sex offender by searching the Internet.
Cosmo Girl:
The issue also has a handy guide to the most nutritious lattes, a two-page cheerleader workout and a MySpace addiction guide. A more serious piece examines the deadly consequences of conquering summertime boredom by drinking cough syrup, playing the "pass out game" and getting high off various household products.
Teen People:
The most imaginative part of the mag is an article on how teens can become stars on the popular video-sharing site YouTube.com.
Also: Newsweek taken to task for lacking "a degree of skepticism that one would expect from a major newsweekly."