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The honeymoon's over for Google founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin, and it's pretty clear how their arguments will run for the next twenty-odd years. Larry's the do-gooder and Sergey's the bad boy.

We should have seen this coming — the signs were always there.

Talking about...Larry saysSergey says
the Google jetWe'll take "large numbers of people to places such as Africa." I will personally — PERSONALLY — end world poverty.Fit it with a California king-size, baby.
womenLucy's so loveable!Hey babe, come to this exclusive club often?
the companyWe need to get back on track.Look, I'm only using transparent Legos!
their pastIt was a quiet life. Playing with Legos, learning about computers from my parents...So I force-fed a fish to a vegetarian. Got a problem?

Earlier: Sergey and Larry's Google jet, mapped