Buy Alec Baldwin's Hairy iPod

Celebrity memorabilia collectors are no doubt filled with joy at the latest gem to hit eBay: what would appear to be an iPod once belonging to actor Alec Baldwin. Or an iPod belonging to someone else named Alec Baldwin, or perhaps the iPod of a weirdly misguided fan of Alec Baldwin. No explanation on how the seller came to aquire the item, but some info on Baldwin's tastes:
This is Alec Baldwin's 4th Generation 20 GB Apple iPod (Black & White). The iPod is engraved on the back to Alec Baldwin, and some of his listening choices include Flaming Lips, the Doors, and Velvet Underground, along with New York Times and BBC News Podcasts (for a full list of what he likes, email me).
The iPod is in working condition and, as of this posting, has had zero bids. Angry ex-wife and intolerable workplace demeanor not included.