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Oh boy, another list! The ink has hardly dried on Business 2.0 Magazine's People Who Matter list, and Wired Magazine has already trumped it with the annual "Wired 40" list. While Business 2.0 is just playing Truman Capote, Wired's list is a de facto investment guide for the casual midwestern techie. Some highlights:

  • Google and Apple have switched spots, with Google now at #1 in an official recognition of its millions and millions of fanboys.
  • Genentech makes it to #4 because Wired got confused and thought it's the company from Jurassic Park.
  • News Corp's on the list for the first time. The TV networks, newspapers, book publishers, magazines, and movie studios didn't matter to Wired, but hey, now they have a SOCIAL NETWORK! Oh boy!
  • Intel drops down the list, proving that teaming up with Apple only gets you so far.

The Wired 40 [Wired Magazine]
Illo: The Obvious [Splash page]