Dawn Eden Previews Her Book

How have we not seen this yet? Daily News copy editor Dawn Eden — everyone's second favorite scary conservative Catholic after Mel Gibson — has posted on her blog a tantalizing preview of her forthcoming book, The Thrill of the Chaste: Finding Fulfillment While Keeping Your Clothes On. The book is her inspirational account of how she found God (or some such), stopped having sex (or some such), and discovered happiness (somehow). We're still busy trying to unpack this bit on gay men, straight men, straight women, and TV:
On television and in movies, if a single woman is friends with a man, the pal's more often than not a homosexual. The message is that heterosexual men aren't capable of friendship or even worthy of it. In contrast, gay men are depicted as safe and nonthreatening, trustworthy, and having more to give than straight men.
Imagine if the tables were turned. Imagine watching a TV sitcom where all the gay men are Neanderthal lunkheads, while the kind, thoughtful straight men are always ready to help their female friends without asking sexual favors in return.
You might think such a show doesn't exist because such people don't exist, or because it's no fun to watch shows about men who will never, ever get laid. But no, Eden tell us, such shows don't exist because — if we're reading her right — because women have too much casual sex. It's always those harlots' fault.
Go read the thing yourself and see if you can decipher it better.