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Doesn't it seem so, well, anachronistic for a newspaper to actually be in a hiring phase? Indeed it does — and, yet, at the Village Voice, the beat goes on:

From: "Harkavy, Ward"
Date: Mon, 26 Jun 2006 10:15:04
To: VVeditorial
Subject: Back with us: Joy Press

Hey, all:
Starting today, Joy Press assumes the position of arts & culture editor at the Voice. Joy will work with staffers and freelancers to develop front-of-the-book features and will oversee the paper's cultural coverage.


Press is a liked and respected Voice vet who was recently out on maternity leave — which makes her new post, while presumably good news for the paper, much less sturm-und-drangily interesting for us. Alas.

Earlier: Shocking: The 'Voice' Successfully Hires Someone!