Bruce Willis Demands One Million Dollars From Paparazzo With Bad Teeth

In a courageous legal action that may once and for all deliver the famous from being preyed upon by opportunistic paparazzi loitering outside trendy La Cienega starfucker eateries, Bruce Willis is suing the photographer who claimed the actor "stiff-armed" him on his way inside Koi on June 13. Anthony Goodrich, the paparazzo in question, offered a videotaped testimonial of his version of the events to Days later, video of the actual event surfaced, revealing the "stiff-arming" to be more of an "accidental arm brushing," followed by a profuse apology from Willis. The suit, available on The Smoking Gun, claims Willis "merely raised his hands to shield his eyes from the flash of the cameras of the stalker-paparazzi," that Goodrich's claims were "false and defamatory," and that Willis is seeking damages in the amount of "no less than One Million Dollars." Or, in paparazzi terms, two clear pictures of proud daddy Brad Pitt dipping the Chosen One's footsies in the Pacific Ocean, or one photo of Teri Hatcher caught mid-bite in the act of cannibalism.