Sergey Brin always keeps a low profile online. The Google co-founder's message about installing a humidifier makes him the dullest Usenet poster ever, and the empty Orkut profile doesn't help.

Now, thanks to Google's new Picasa Web Albums (marked "TEST," short for "This one really is in beta"), Sergey stays just as boring. His public photos show mountains, beaches, and, um, space — and only one shot of Sergey, just to prove he didn't pull the rest from

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At least, it looks like Sergey. Visit his album for the full version.

But what about the "secret" pics? The ever-clever Philipp Lenssen at Google Blogoscoped sniffed out Sergey buddy Larry Page's secret photos. Larry has since sent a minion to hide those pics, but who knows what other "private" pics are waiting for clever URL-guessers to uncover.

Sergey Brin in Kalalau [Sergey's Picasa Web album]
No Privacy for Picasa Web Albums [Google Blogoscoped]