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For those of you who are over 60, unwed, living alone and consider your 8 cats to be your best friends, Meow Mix knows what you want: a reality show competition for the precious ones, in which cats vie for a job with the cat food company. The Meow Mix House is located in a storefront at 49th and Madison, and all the action is currently airing via webcam. After watching for a bit, it's hard to deny that the whole thing is oddly mesmerizing. A brief liveblog:

11:01 - White one licks his paw.
11:03 - Tabby sleeps on the couch.
11:15 - White one heads towards the food.
11:16 - Nevermind, white one clearly disinterested in food.
11:18 - In the corner of the screen, we can see black legs and tiny white paws enjoying a yellow toy.
11:19 - Tabby still sleeping.
11:20 - Shit, a human's in the room. Get out of there, lady! You're blocking the fucking camera! We can't see our babies!

Meow Mix House [via Gothamist]