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Conde Nast, having finally realized that, no, the web is not going to disappear, is beefing up its web presence. Blake Eskin, a former New Yorker fact-checker and the founder of Nextbook, has returned to the mag to work with web manager Matt Dellinger, who you may also know as the Vince Lombardi of media softball. Meanwhile, our beloved Andrew Hearst of Panopticist will be devoting his talents to Vanity Fair, where we assume he'll spend considerably less time creating cover mock-ups, instead working on making James Wolcott's blog look pretty.

Finally, in the third internerd move, Peter Feld, formerly the director of Conde's custom research department, has just started as the web editor of Cookie. In Feld's former position, he used his PhD to help determine what would move the most copies, working closely with editors to select cover images and headlines. From having the ear of Anna Wintour to supervising HTML for sippy-cup charticles: it's the new Conde trajectory. Get out while you can.

Memo Pad [WWD (2nd item)]