Michelle Rodriguez Looking Forward to 60 More Days Of Prison 'Me Time'

The only thing that seems to fire Michelle Rodriguez's pistons faster than the thought of $2 Mojito Madness night and the ensuing, S-shaped joyride home, is the hard time she has to do once she gets caught. Rodriguez made her 65-hour stint in a Hawaiian prison sound like an overnight pajama party with the Pink Ladies. ("It was so cool....Drawing pictures for everybody on their shirts...singing showtunes with the girls.") Since the crime violated parole for a previous arrest in LA, Rodriguez was undoubtedly thrilled to learn she's been sentenced to an additional 60 days of jail time:
Lost actress Michelle Rodriguez was sentenced to 60 days in the Los Angeles County jail Monday for violating her probation. [...]
Rodriguez and her attorneys left without making comment, but in New York City late last week, the actress told PEOPLE, "I'm a gypsy. I can see beauty in a jail cell."
Unlike her fellow, non-gypsy inmates, who see only high cinderblock walls and a sniper guard tower, Rodriguez will enrich her stay by delighting daily in the beautiful little prison surprises just waiting to be discovered—everything from the simple ingenuity of a chicken bone shank to the glimmer of discovery in her co-inmates eyes as she introduces them to the fundamentals of prison yard pilates during exercise hour.