Google fiascos, Spring 2006 edition:

  • Google Page Creator, which crashed on Day 1
  • The Larry lecture, a harsh reminder that 20% projects are not playtime
  • Google PR hiring pitch, sent to team leaders at PR agencies
  • Google Press Day, where the company about to provide San Francisco with free wifi couldn't get a network up during the announcement of four new products
  • Invitations to Press Day, accidentally sent to a revealed mailing list, including several non-invited journalists
  • Candygate, the inexplicable disappearance of M&M's from some Google snack rooms

Google co-founder Larry Page, last week:

We are a little over the edge right now in terms of our disorganisation.

Yeah, Larry, might wanna work on that before you "organize the world's information."

Google admits to being disorganised [VNUnet]