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Because we are but troglodytic cave dwellers who know nothing about the outside world, New York has informed us that Rupert Murdoch is very, very influential. And they were right, by golly. After his minions at the Post attacked Senator Hillary Clinton with "Don't Run" headlines, it was reported yesterday that he'll now be hosting a fundraiser for her in July. It's not particularly mind-boggling: keep your friends close, keep your enemies closer — especially if, you know, she has a chance to become President.

Today Clinton defended their relationship and said, "He's my constituent and I'm very gratified that he thinks I'm doing a good job." Of course, any wallet as fat as Rupert's is going to be incredibly gratifying. We're just looking forward to Clinton upholding her end of the deal: a presidential campaign waged completely on MySpace. She's going to collect, like, so many friends.

Hillary Clinton Defends Link With Murdoch [FT]