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I was so stoked. Noah Robischon, editor-at-large of Valleywag's big brother Gizmodo had passed me an invite to Google's May 10 Press Day (Hear Eric Schmidt speak! Bump/rub/brush shoulders with John Battelle! Ask Marissa Mayer to take a Turing Test!). After gleefully tapping in my info and getting a "thank you" page, I assumed I was in — in a few weeks I'd be back on the Plex, my first visit there in a Gawker Media capacity.

But then:

Dear Nick,

Google Press Day is an event for invited guests only and invitations are non-transferable. Thank you for your interest in Google, however, we're unable to extend you an invitation.

The Google Press Day Team

Yes, the Google Press Day Team blew me off. By name. Where's the love, guys? I thought we had something special!

So, Googlers, press contacts, anyone with Real Power, fight for Valleywag's right to party. Can anyone — John Battelle, if you're reading this, help a guy out — get Google to send Valleywag a press pass? Fake journalists are journalists too!

Last year's Press Day [Google Press Center]