Lazy News: The Ballmer memo

You could waste 10 minutes reading the Seattle Times piece on Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer's internal memo and the company's fight against Google. But you, Mr. Smarty Pants, will spend 30 seconds on the Valleywag recap:
- Microsoft wants to spend more money.
- Ballmer says the "entire leadership team will learn from" a massive stock drop. One would hope for a team that already learned something in the company's 30-year history. But one cannot ask for everything.
- Ballmer says the leadership will work hard. Whoever's left after his next firing round, anyway.
- Look, bitch, when Microsoft says it's gonna spend big this quarter, you don't question, you shut up and keep buying stock.
- Microsoft's going head to head with Google, Sony, and Nintendo. Hope they got a four-way controller and a towel for that bout, 'cause it's gonna be bloody.
Ballmer defends Microsoft's spending increase [Seattle Times]