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Above: Unable to find an automobile upon which to trod in celebration of his new movie, Tom Cruise, famous the world over for his completely unscripted eruptions of exuberance during his myriad promotional appearances, spontaneously climbs the scaffolding at both the Paris and Mexico City M:i:III premieres.
· In Mexico City, Cruise describes the experience of spending time with his newborn: "The hours go by so quickly as I just stare at her." Sadly, the wire story gave no indication if this moment of tenderness was shouted through a bullhorn from his perch atop the scaffolding. [ABC/AP]
· Brooke Shields tells Access Hollywood that the "irony is perfect" that both she and Cruise welcomed daughters into the world on the same day, though truly perfect irony would probably require that Katie Holmes be crippled by a bout of postpartum depression despite not actually having given birth to a baby. [CNN/AP]

[Photos: Getty Images]