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• Amongst bad-guy PI Anthony Pellicano's tapes are recordings of phone calls from Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman, reports Vanity Fair. In one, Kidman jokes to a friend, "So, Tom, are you listening Tom? Am I saying what what you want me to say?" Well, that choice bit should clear up any questions about Cruises "marriage" deals. [R&M]
• It's official: Nothing is ever good in Teri Hatcher's world. Yesterday a lightbulb exploded on the set of Desperate Housewives, leaving the star with an eyepatch after having to have a shard of glass removed from her eye. Maybe Clooney should send her some flowers. [IMDb]
• Just weeks after having her second child, Gwyneth Paltrow emerges looking "slimmer than ever." Kill at will, ladies. [Lowdown]
• The Paris Hilton doppelganger isn't that good at her game — she was ejected and banned from Stereo after trying to squeeze herself between Axl Rose and Stephon Marbury. [Page Six]
• Calvin and Kelly Klein finalize their divorce, and it only took them 10 years of separation to do so. Calvin's probably treating himself to a celebratory cabana boy right now. [Page Six]