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Last we checked in the with kids of 126 Rivington — the LES building where all the tenants are besties, and they're all getting a TV show together — rumor was they were on the verge of a deal with HBO. That seems confirmed by this email, which arrived unbidden — and, we should be quick to note, entirely unverified — this afternoon:

The kids of 126 Rivington are getting a sweet deal: They will receive $1000-$3000 just to shoot the pilot of the show, which will most likely end up on HBO. If the show is NOT picked up, each resident will receive another $1000-$3000 as a courtesy and for their time. If the show is picked up, they will receive bonuses of approximately $35,000 per resident. There are 5 stories in the building, and some residents have already moved out. One resident informed me that the editors are going to have to do a SIGNIFICANT amount of editing to cut out the heavy drug use by some tenants. Apparently there are some big clouds hovering over that building causing quite a mighty "snow" storm....

A "mighty 'snow' storm? On the Lower East Side? Why, we have no idea what you're talking about, you canny one, you.

126 Rivington Coming Soon to HBO?
Rivington Street, Capeside on the Hudson?