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Just to clarify the reports ranging from Us Weekly to the Associated Press, all of which include the following information from Cruise spokesbot Arnold Robinson:

"Her name has its origins in Hebrew, meaning "princess," or in Persian, meaning "red rose," Robinson said in a statement.

We'd like to do the TomKat family a favor, as they're understandably too distracted to fact-check their own press releases: While Suri is indeed Persian, it is not a Hebrew name. It is, however, a Hindu name meaning "Lord Krishna." Hindu, Hebrew — simple mistake.

Also, props to Tom Cruise for cancelling his MI:3 promotional appearances, which just coincidentally were scheduled for next week. We know it was hard, but you made the right choice, Tom. Sometimes being a man and doing no press is the best press of all.

Tom Cruise, Katie Holmes Welcome New Baby [AP]