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Ron Burkle's mansion Green Acres, the "historic" (by L.A. standards) former Harold Lloyd estate in Beverly Hills, is best described as a sort of Democratic Bohemian Grove.

It has eight bedrooms, 13 bathrooms, a pool, a private screening room, and lots of underground tunnels, plus enough staff and security to man a battleship. It's a cozy little place where Hillary comes for the soft money, and Bill stays for the hard action!

Here's a little photo-tour of our friend's super-secret hideaway, courtesy of the cabal of hard-working Yucaipa employees who hate their boss enough to send me this stuff:

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Let's get this party started...

(more after the jump)

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Abandon all morals, ye who enter here...

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This is after the maid cleaned up the evidence...

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Kinda looks like a fancy funeral parlor.

Party at my house! August, you bring the beer. Anyone seen my little trapeze artist?... Frank, you watch the door. - JPS