Defamer Party Report: More Teri Hatcher Photo-Op Tonsil Hockey At GLAAD Awards

Saturday night was LA's chapter of the GLAAD Media Awards, and the gay-friendly celebrities showed up in droves. (The gay-closeted celebrities, on the other hand, chose to skip again this year.) Moments before this picture of Teri Hatcher and Nicolette Sheridan doing the lezzie lip mash was snapped, Hatcher was overheard asking her Desperate Housewives co-star, "Wanna know what Ryan Seacrest tastes like?" Our ironically titled Defamer Correspondent for Anti-Defamatory Awards Shows sends in this conveniently bulleted report:
I went to the GLAAD Media Awards on Saturday night and must say it was a fantastic event. Loads of celebs, booze, etc. But on to the more important sightings/events during the festivities. I was lucky enough to have been able to go to the Celebrity Cocktail Reception before the awards and have to say they did a very nice job. The press line was in the same room as the reception; here are some of the highlights:
· Probably one of the funniest things was seeing the comedian, Ant, getting screamed at by the press line because he ran by most of them — they were literally booing him and screaming that he was an asshole...loud enough that the entire cocktail party stopped talking to see what was happening...brilliant. He was wearing some sort of purple feather/latex overcoat with matching purple feather/latex pants and those goth-type platform shoes. He was the WORST dressed person of the night — and he even presented in that outfit with a very hot Chad Allen. Terrible wig/botox/tan on Ant as well.
· Ted Casablanca (who I think is fabulous, but still) stumbling a bit and looked like he'd had a rough evening — tattered jeans, blazer, grey scruff/goatee · Entire cast of Will & Grace was there — was introduced to Eric McCormack, sweet guy and looked like he had funeral makeup on, his wife looked terrible - hair was very Sharon Stone wind-tunnelish; Debra Messing was stunning (her husband looked miserable and pale); I didn't see Megan Mullally or Sean Hayes until they were on stage, but they both looked fantastic · Cast of Dante's Cove (no idea what channel it is on) — four very handsome black men, wonderfully dressed and very very nice. [ed.note—We think he means Noah's Arc, on Logo] · Jamie Pressley — stunning from head on, but kind of scary/botox from the side · That Samoan football linebacker who came out — TOTALLY wasted — almost knocked a friend of mine down with his 300+ pound frame · Laura Dern very pretty in a naturally beautiful way; introduced a very tiny Melissa Ethridge · Charlize Theron (Vanguard Award) — didn't see her until the show, but wow, one of the most stunning and articulate celebrities I have encountered. She's all leg. · L Word won for best drama I think — Leisha Hailey (Alice) and Mia Kirshner (Jenny) were on stage to accept the award with the producer. Leisha had on what could probably be considered a fantastic cocktail dress for a 14 yr old girl; Mia was wearing some sort of Olsen-inspired baggy shirt/dress with black stretch pants and chunk heels..looked totally strung out...probably second worst-dressed of the night · Teri Hatcher — did not see her come through the press line, nor was she at the reception or dinner. Looked pretty good though · Nicolette Sheridan — tried REALLY hard to be sexy/funny when presenting, but just came off as dull/illiterate and trannyish · Judith Light — whisked through the press line; no on seemed interested · Arquette "sisters" — Rosanna, Particia and Alexis presented together — I'd never seen Alexis outside of Hotdog and she has a lot of electrolysis to finish...and needs boobs. Rosanna looked AMAZING — tan and in a stunning pant suit. Patricia wore a full length piece of blue gauze that made her look pregnant. They all seemed very uneasy and a little awkaward. · Robert Grant — spent a lot of time in the press line; very handsome — kind of looks like an older Ben McKenzie · Garry Marshall — hysterical; presented the award to Will & Grace · Zumanity performed — two hot men in briefs kicking and pushing and jumping on each other with two big girls dressed like they should have been in a Wagnerian opera flanking them. Was a bit odd. · Whomever won for Best Documentary (it was about transgendered people but I cant remember the name) brought some of the subjects of the film on stage; one of the boys asked his girlfriend to marry him...was touching, but also awkward.
[Photo: WireImage via People]