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A disturbing email arrived earlier today:

Where are the god damned creme eggs?

I think the Gawker staff hasn't noticed an epidemic sweeping the city. Every spring we see the colorful red, gold, and blue foil wrappers around the Cadbury Creme Eggs. Along with Mr. Robin Red Breast, Cadbury Creme Eggs are the first sign of thawing, bringing us to sunlit skies and blossoming cherry trees. I have been to 10 different Duane Reades in different neighborhoods and none to be found. Something isn't right and I need your staff to find out what's behind the absence of the creamy, sweet bliss of Cadbury Creme Eggs.

Thank you.

Our staff? Ha. That's rich. We don't so much have a staff here. But we do feel your pain, emailer. (While we're fine on matzoh, we do remember being unable to find Hanukkah gelt one December, and it has haunted us since.) So, folks, help this desperate dude out: Are Cadbury Creme Eggs really missing? Or have you seen them in New York this nascent Easter season? If so, let him know where. (In Comments, that is. We sure don't want the emails.) After all, a man needs his "creamy, sweet bliss."

Cadbury Creme Egg []