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From a fullpage ad for Junior, Macaulay Culkin's new autobiographical novel, in Friday's Times:

"Well-written... complicated... a guilty pleasure" —Entertainment Weekly

And from the EW review from which it's excerpted:

It would have been easy for me to slap a big fat F at the bottom of this review and be done with it. But grading actor-turned-author Macaulay Culkin's first book is far more complicated.... [I]f you have a jones to find out how "Junior" feels about his estranged father, coming of age as a former child star, outgrowing his boyish cuteness, his failed relationships, or his more recent romance with a sitcom star, it's all here in short, often well-written bursts.... Although Junior contains enough morbid moments to qualify as a guilty pleasure, you'll ultimately feel cheated by its lack of cohesion. Grade: C-

Nice work, Miramax Books.

Macaulay Culkin's 'Junior': Spinning Out of Control [Popwatch/EW]