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The future is here — not in that sexy Bruce Sterling way, more in the "Let's pre-post our April Fool's jokes on a weekday" way. After all, every day is April Fool's Day on the Internet. This year, Google's a big target (gee, who knew?):

¬ Lowenstein's Lens on Wireless does a full write-up of a Google worldwide wifi plan. The concept, not spectacular. The execution, pretty good. Scroll down to better jokes like a Google MySpace killer named "Gaggle."
¬ China-and-gaming blog billsdue builds an army of Google-run Chinese cyborgs.
¬ Major search blog Google Blogoscoped does a bang-up job faking a Google prank. A bit edgier than any actual Google pranks, this one has a photo of Larry Page's room, with an old photo of Marissa Mayer and a couple of Playboys (the issue where Larry and Sergey were interviewed) on the floor.

All in all? Not that I'm one to talk, but couldn't the Valley be a touch wittier?