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According to today's Page Six, George Clooney reportedly sent an email (via his publicist, because this is really all about the publicists) asking all of the good-hearted flacks of this world to flood our inbox with as many fake sightings as possible, so that Gawker Stalker would be rendered useless. Charming, seeing as we never thought the feature was particularly useful to begin with. The moment we become useful, we've lost sight of what we're all about — glorious, time-sucking impracticality.

But we digress. George Clooney has climbed on his hotmail soapbox to so publicly break our hearts, but we will be strong, we will not cry. Instead, we will carry on. We have no choice: He's in town, staying at the Peninsula, and filming around midtown quite often. He's teasing and testing us, and we will not look away. We love him too much to ignore him.

We're feeling contest-crazy right now, so a call to you, the roaming masses: We want a cameraphone picture of Clooney, taken at any time from this point on. The first person to send us an authentic shot in which Clooney is undisputedly visible wins Ocean's 11 AND Ocean's 12 on DVD. We're serious — and if you can get a picture of him giving the finger, we'll even throw in a copy of Solaris.