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We've always thought alleged funnyman Jimmy Fallon had little talent but a cute haircut. So we almost started to wonder whether this crazy email that showed up the other day actually had a point:

In 1993 a college kid walked into my barber shop who others told me did stand up comedy at his school.... So I gave him a nice haircut and said, "Keep your money, just come with me tomorrow and if you make it big one day you can take care of me!" We both laughed and he said, "Okay, it's a deal! " We shook hands on it.... My barber shop has been the launching pad for many great beginnings, but none quite as spectacular as Jimmy's story. The world has gotten a great entertainer all because of a good haircut and a caring barber who took his time to help someone. That's been my story ever since: giving free haircuts to those in need, hoping one day it will help shape their lives. I have nothing to show for my success other than a warm heart for those who care.

Naturally, therefore, the barber now wants money. The full story — featuring a scene with a bed-headed, boxers-clad Jimmy! — is after the jump. Is it true? Who knows.

Subject: The real story of Jimmy Fallons' BIG BREAK

In 1993 a college kid walked into my barber shop who others told me did stand up comedy at his school. Once a month, St. Rose College held an amateur nite held in the schools gym. He was broke, had no car, and didn't know his way around Albany. I told him that I cut the hair of a guy who was starting a "pilot", called "METROLANDS' LOOSE CAMERA." They were looking for 13 young comedians, that the audition was the following day. If he would like, I would drive him there and introduce him to Donald Metzner, my friend who was in charge. (Donald Metzner is the Donald Trump of upstate New York). So I gave him a nice haircut and said, "Keep your money, just come with me tomorrow and if you make it big one day you can take care of me!" We both laughed and he said, "Okay, it's a deal! " We shook hands on it.

The next morning I showed up at the dorm parking lot and was beeping my horn. Finally he comes out in his boxers and t-shirt, looking as if he forgot about our plans. He yelled, "Oh yeah! Give me a minute!" (Damn drunk'n college kids, I thought to myself). Thirty minutes later we at the audition where 200 people were already there waiting to try out. I introduced him to Metzner, as Jimmy signed in. After three days of cuts and call backs, Jimmy was selected as one of the thirteen cast members. The pilot was funny, however no networks were interested in picking it up. But they loved Jimmy! They made him an offer. He and his roommate, Jared, quit school and were flown to California. He hasn't contacted me since. Prior to that flight, I not only gave him free haircuts, but a ton of moral support. I wish him continued success.

My barber shop has been the launching pad for many great beginnings, but none quite as spectacular as Jimmy's story. The world has gotten a great entertainer all because of a good haircut and a caring barber who took his time to help someone. That's been my story ever since: giving free haircuts to those in need, hoping one day it will help shape their lives. I have nothing to show for my success other than a warm heart for those who care.

My name is RAZOR RON. I have a "hole in the wall" barber shop in ALBANY, NY, that is about to be closed due to a financial crisis....

People come to Albany from all over the world because of our great universities. I touched a lot of their heads and sent them off to new beginnings for the past 15 years. Can you help tell my story? Maybe some one out there, that I helped, can now offer help back before it is too late . Thank you!