In this TGIF edition of old-skool, text-based, apparently non-celebrity-menacing Gawker Stalker: Anna Wintour, Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin eating dinner with Jay Z and Beyonce, La Blohan, Bruce Willis and Petra Nemcova, Robin Williams, Justin Timberlake and Cameron Diaz, Keanu Reeves, Diddy, Hilary Swank, Shakira, Bridget Moynahan, Jena Malone, Julia Stiles, Mike Myers, Fred Schneider, Joaquin Phoenix, Naomi Campbell, Isabella Rossellini, Cynthia Nixon, Matt Dillon, Don Cheadle, Woody Allen, Tim Robbins, Alec Baldwin and Nicole Seidel, Kevin Bacon, Rene Russo, Tyra Banks, Jodie Foster, Jennifer Esposito, Lucy Liu, Dan Aykroyd, Larry King, Kevin Klein and Phoebe Cates, Allie McGraw, Ja Rule, Geraldo, Dolly Parton, and the ubiquitous Tony Danza. All the reports — sent in by readers and entirely unverified — are after the jump. And, of course, sightings are always life-threateningly available on Gawker Stalker Maps.

Last Wednesday morning, my best friend and I were catching the 8am flight out of JFK to Punta Cana. It was very early and the gate was relatively empty. Not much going on until we noticed a very tiny, very well dressed, impeccably coiffed woman with large sunglasses walk in with her daughter. As soon as she sat down facing us (though a few rows away) we realized that it was, in fact, Anna Wintour and Bee (and an assistant). Although we were probably the only people at the gate who recognized her, she gave us a dirty look when we smiled at her. She must have been the last person on and the first person off, because when we got off the plane in Punta Cana, she was already safely enthroned in a covered golf cart, watching the rest of us get off and walk on our own into the terminal. We assume that she was whisked off to Oscar De La Renta's resort immediately because when an airport worker collected all her LV luggage, she was nowhere to be seen. Hope she was able to get a little sun; she looked very pale and less than relaxed....

Fabulous Foursome sighting: Gwyneth Paltrow, Chris Martin, Jay Z and Beyonce dining together at Elio on 84th and 2nd Ave on Saturday night. Oscars, Grammys, Cosmetic Products... Oh My! It didn t appear to be a business dinner, just two super-couples out for dinner on a Saturday night.

3/21: Lindsay Lohan at Bond St. around 8:30 with about 8 people... half of the table were chicks who looked and acted like publicists (i.e. loud and Jappy). They continually invoked La Lohan's name with the waitress, seemingly to ensure that she understood the importance of their table in relation to all the others she was taking care of. The other half of the table was a bunch of guys (sexual orientation unclear). Blohan was complaining about how her hotel room was too small so she moved into two connecting rooms... thank god!! She did seem a bit thin but her seat was against the window, facing the room (2nd floor) so it was hard to get a good look; however, she is very cute and the dark hair definitely works. I thought it was interesting that she didn't sit with her back to the room so she wouldn't have to deal with everyone in the room craning for a look.

Bruce Willis and Petra Nemcova at Perry St., 176 Perry St., Monday night, 3/20 at 7:00 pm. He was wearing jeans and a baseball cap, very normal dude-ish. She was looking super-hot, super-modely. Is she an Amazon or is he just short? Bruce rushed from the bar to meet her at her car and waltzed her to their table. I think they just had tea. Also, Robin Williams at The Olive Tree, MacDougal St., West Village. Friday night, 3/17 around midnight. Didn't know he was there until I went downstairs to use the restroom. He was doing his act. He said hi as I walked by and made some sort of joke. I didn't hear it though, but heard people laughing. Later, upstairs, he was hanging with the staff. Much thinner than I expected and less hairy. And younger looking. Hair was an odd color.

Last night, 3/19, around 8:15pm, I saw Robin Williams at my church located at 79th and Broadway. He attended our service with a male friend. I was completely caught off guard to see a celebrity at church of all places and especially at a night service. You would think he would be home getting ready to watch the Sopranos. Mr. Williams is really short and had horrible looking red hair. I hope his new hair color is for a movie. As service ended, people were crowding around him, shaking his hand and telling him thanks for coming as he was quickly heading out the auditorium doors. He was really nice about it all and very gracious. I heard him mumble to his male friend that he was surprised to see so many young people. Hopefully God will bless him with his upcoming film "RV." He may need all the prayers he can get because the movie looks terrible.

3/17 Justin and Cameron at Marquee with a bunch of friends drinking champagne, Cristal of course.

Post-dinner at Mercer Kitchen (Saturday 3/18), I joined some friends upstairs in the hotel bar when we spotted Keanu Reeves and an unidentified blond canoodling on one of the couches. After too many Black Cherry Martinis, a male friend thought it would be funny to shout "there's a bomb on the bus". He (and guilty-by-association, the rest of us) were asked to leave by the overprotective hotel staff.

Out at a Hampton s restaurant, Barristers, last night and saw P. Diddy, puffy etc. combs. Needless to say he was surrounded by big entourage. He was wearing a pirate s hat and had a sword with him. I gave him a wave as my friends and I past by. He actually said what s up and waved back.

I was Hilary Swank on the corner of Park and 5th at 7:15pm tonight. She was with Philip (Pud) Kaplan. Anyway, he opened the door to a Mercedes for her, and they drove off together. She's very beautiful in person. Nice legs!

I was walking on 45th between 7th and 8th ave and there was a ton of people lined up to see Shakira leaving a Broadway show (or perhaps MTV's TRL). Anyway, I waited a bit with the people there, and stood right beside her driver, but didn't want to wait to see her so I continued walking down toward 8th avenue. So when there was a walk sign, I was crossing 8th avenue when I see a black SUV coming quickly around the corner. I walked further into the intersection, and the SUV had to stop. In the backseat was Shakira, with the window 1/2 way down. I was talking on my cell phone, turned, and muttered something like Haha, well there s Shakira; she smiled at me as she drove by. I recognized the driver too, so I know it was her.

Ms. Tom Brady, Bridget Moynahan herself, was in a cafe on Broadway (a few blocks down from Waverly), sporting a giant cello in a backpack on her frail little shoulders. She came in and my straight male instantly honed in on her, then realized she was pretty old for me to be checking her out, then the gay male in me checked out her big hoop earrings, and then the straight male suddenly popped some sort of a softie boner despite how old she looked. I'm confident she ordered the salad and eggs, and/ or a shot of espresso and some Dexatrim chaser. I was tempted to run and buy a Patriots Jersey and have her sign it.

Last night at the Bring Em Home Now concert I was nestled up to the VIP section at stage right. Of course this section was overbooked. Throughout the concert in this seated section I saw Jena Malone who was very chill and drinking what appeared to be Jack and Coke (is she 21? ha!) Jena was trying to chat up Julia Stiles who I could tell had no idea who Jena Malone was! Next Mike Myers came into the area and got seated behind a pole! Then I saw Ingrid Sischy, the editor in chief of Interview magazine mosey into the area — there wasn't even a seat for her, so she had to sit on the floor! Also there was Fred Schneider the lead singer from the B 52's. He seemed to be at the bar more than at the concert (or so it seemed) when he finally returned to his seat he kicked a lady out and made her sit on the floor too! I was trying to decide in my head if I would have done the same!? Finally Joaquin Phoenix came in and there wasn't even room for him to sit on the floor. Perplexed, he disappeared, never to be seen again. Concert was great too by the way — Rufus Wainright was spectacular!

Naomi Campbell crossing the street at 59th and Park. Wearing a Native-American style pullover/shawl and yoga pants and sunglasses, while telling her assistant to hurry up when she saw me looking at her.

Not sure if this counts, but saw Isabella Rossellini walking her new puppy in Central Park this morning. Dog was not cooperating and Isabella was not thrilled. She kept pulling on his leash and coaxing him to walk. His name, I believe from what I heard her saying, is Teddy. Also saw Cynthia Nixon, girlfriend Christine and the son and daughter wandering around the park one Sunday afternoon. Also sat across from Matt Dillon at Il Bagatto, this cute little Italian place in the East Village. Noticed him because his table got all the service and we couldn't even get water. He seemed nice enough and had a really hot girl sitting next to him. She looked familiar but recognizably famous.

Saw Don Cheadle at Dojo's NYU area, having lunch (brunch?) with another fella. Apparently he had a bad cold... he was coughing up a storm!

Saw Woody Allen walking by himself today at 12:30 PM. He was crossing 83rd street at Madison and heading south. All bundled up with green wool hat and beige parka. He was unmistakable with those thick glasses. People were walking past him and not realizing who he was until they were a couple steps away. Then they'd turn, point and mouth 'that was Woody Allen' to whoever was with them. Woody was oblivious, kept on walking and only looked up to check if he had the light.

I saw Tim Robbins in Penn Station today. He is massively tall and had long hair ala High Fidelity. I looked over my shoulder and made eye contact with him. It took a lot of will power not to say anything because I'm a big fan.

As I was leaving Da Silvano Saturday night 3/18, I passed Alec Baldwin & girlfriend Nicole Seidel sitting near the door, having dinner. They were at a cramped table for two, but seemed to be enjoying themselves and were holding hands. While we waited for our coats, heard them chatting up the owner for a bit, who they seemed to know well.

I was at brunch with some friends at the Williamsburg Cafe in Willamsburg, Bklyn on Sunday afternoon (yesterday) and so was Kevin Bacon, eating brunch (a salad) with an Asian guy who we couldn't make out. He looked good. And was very nice. Very exciting!

Just saw Rene Russo (3/22) on the 6 train heading uptown on my way to work this morning. She was wearing a raggedy straw cowboy hat, Spiderman-esqe sunglasses and her hair was so matted and stringy it looked like she was doing an outtake from "Clan of the Cave Bear". Beyond that, though, she was still east village thin and strikingly attractive for a 52-year old.

Tyra Banks buying $300 in lingerie from Lord and Taylor on 38th and 5th. Some of it was Elle Macpherson brand.

12pm 20/03/06 Mon. Jodie Foster with a woman assistant and a possible bodyguard, who stayed back, while she entered the building to the SoHo House. It was her smile and a wave to a few people gawking at her that made me stop dead on my feet. I'm such a fan and my cigarette almost burned my friend s hair when I hit the brakes and recognized her.

1pm approx. 22/03/06 Wed. at L'Express on 20th and PAS: I was sitting at the bar waiting for a friend, and in walks Mr. Julia Roberts (Danny Moder) with one of the babies strapped to his chest (could not tell which one, the boy or the girl), and picks up a huge bag of lunch! Have the Moders/Roberts run out of servants that they've to pick up their own brown bag lunchies??

Just saw Jennifer Esposito eating at Souen on 13th and university. Then Lucy Liu walked in with some hot blonde guy. Lucy was kind of staring at Jennifer, but Jennifer didn't acknowledge her.

My friends and I spotted Dan Aykroyd walking by Dorian s on 84th and 2nd last Friday night. He had a suit on, and when he noticed us noticing him, he nodded hello. We watched him continue to walk down 2nd Ave — he pulled out a baseball cap and put it on; guess he didn t want to be recognized. That same evening I saw Anne Coulter get out of a town car on 86th street and walk into an apartment building.

Saw Larry King this morning waking up Park Avenue at around 57th Street. He was wearing black cowboy boots and didn't look too cheery. Seemed like he had just come from Borders on Park and 57th as he was carrying a white plastic Borders bag.

I saw Kevin Kline, wife Phoebe Cates, and a bunch of kids walking last night (3/19) around 8 p.m. on the Upper East Side. They were heading down 2nd ave. and turned onto 84th st.

Almost bumped into a very well-kept and good-looking, 60ish woman rounding a corner between one aisle and the next; smiled to say "whew! we didn't collide!" and realized the answering smile came from Allie McGraw, the "It" girl of 1968. She looked good with her pony tail and apparently un-tampered-with eye wrinkles; seemed neither to be calling attention to herself or hiding. Gave off the general impression of a nice woman of a certain age from an upscale suburb, in town to do the Antique Show with a female pal who looked good, too, but not as thin or as rich-looking. Later, I ran into friends who'd heard various people buzzing about having seen McGraw, so I guess she stayed awhile. Either that, or almost 40 years after her hey-day, people still know who she is.

Saw Ja Rule driving down 42nd ST in NYC in Time Square on Sunday March 19. He was in the passenger seat of a new Bentley, unrolled the window, and spoke to some women in a Mercedes while stopped at a traffic light. The women screamed with excitement. Behind Ja Rule was a few SUV s with his crew.

Geraldo, walking briskly through the underground mall part of Rockefeller Center this morning (3/20/06 10:00am). Shorter than expected (aren't they all), his moustache definitely greased into place and so tan he looked like he just popped out of an Easy Bake Oven.

Saw Dolly Parton with a young man at 4 30ish PM on 3/21 at Starbucks Spring and Varick... Dolly was 'out of drag' but still recognizable mostly her voice and breasts. She was gracious while she politely signed autographs and posed for pictures. She said, "Let Timmy in here (a guy she was with) he's more of a country queen than I am!"

A few months back I read, on Gawker, the accounts from the lady waiting for a bus at 66th and Columbus where she reported about the Tony Danza show. He comes out of his apartment, does a pull up or two on the scaffolding surrounding his building and then crosses the street. Well today I coordinated my walk to work and got to see it. He really does do a pull up or three before he crosses the street. He's so grouchy in the morning, He wasn't too happy when I asked him for his photo.