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Because even we have a small, barely perceptible line of decency when it comes to matters of sex and felines, we steered clear of the viral video sensation known as the Masturbating Cat. We can't say the same for Media Guy Simon Dumenco, however. Despite owning two precious furballs of his own, he's not above watching kitty's private moments — and then further exploiting the innocent animal by using it for his column:

M.C.'s [Masturbating Cat's] stardom is, I submit, simply of a piece with everything else that s going on in pop culture right now. That one of the most buzzworthy acts on VH1 isn t the Black Eyed Peas or even the Pussycat Dolls but M.C. Fluffy (or M.C. Fluffer?) shouldn t be a surprise to anyone.

To me it is — stick with me here — more evidence that Celebrity Is Dead. That celebrity as a gilded concept, as the driver of economies large and small, is so totally over. Even as major marketers — virtually all the American and global greats — have become evermore dependent on burnishing their brands by juxtaposing them with celebrity brands, it s become increasingly clear that celebrity culture is coasting on fumes.

While we object to the use of innocent animals for media column fodder, we have to admire his skill. Only Dumenco could make a genuine statement about American celebrity culture out of a fluffy white cat dick.

Media Guy: Celebrity Is Dead [AdAge]
Masturbating Cat [You Tube]