John Battelle: I'm not competing with Google. Seriously. Stop it.

John Battelle loves Google. He started his book The Search by calling Google clever. (And from then on it gets friendlier.) He went to Google to give a reading of the book. Nowadays he plays a Google expert on TV.
So, Mr. Forbes interviewer, when you ask about his web network, Federated Media:
Do you consider your business in competition with Google's AdSense?
Has Google given you any reactions, since you're close with a lot of people there?
But you represent sites that could be on the larger end of their advertising customers.
Then John Battelle's gonna have to gently spank you:
Very large company, Google. We're a tiny, itty, bitty company. I don't think we necessarily merit a lot of consideration.
Not that he won't let you keep asking, keep hearing "no," and still use the "Going Up Against Google?" headline.