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This morning, we noted that David Katzenberg,* son of Dreamworks' CEO Jeffrey Katzenberg, was reportedly wallowing in grub work at Vanity Fair with fellow spawn-of-famer Cate Edwards, daughter of former Vice-Presidential candidate John Edwards. We stand corrected: it's David's twin sister Laura doing the bitch work with Cate — not that it makes much difference. Their mutual fanciness is hardly a coincidence. As several readers have noted, media gigs come a lot easier when your family could have an editor by the balls. As one tipster put it:

You also may be interested to know that I once asked a high-up editor at Vanity Fair about interning there. The editor laughed, and told me that only the children of the rich or famous who interned there.

Indeed. Accessories editor Alexis Bryan also toils at the mag, whose father, J. Shelby Bryan, bears the burden of sleeping with Anna Wintour.

Beyond the VF bubble:

Lacey Tisch (of, well, the Tischs) makes copies and files things at Harper's Bazaar. At 24, Nathaniel Rich, seed of jolly Times columnist Frank, is an Associate Editor of the Paris Review. His 21-year-old brother Simon slums at Harvard while fleshing out his book deals. We also hear that Bill Bradley's daughter is/was an intern at the Miami Herald; Camilla Al-Fayed (daughter of Harrod's owner Mohammad Al-Fayed) is a British Vogue intern; the British Prime Minister's son, Euan Blair, is ordering lunches for the famous folks at Dreamworks. And, of course, Ben Wasserstein now works at his father's New York magazine.

Finally, anti-climactically, a reminder that Steve Florio Jr. is an editor of some sorts at Cargo — but far be it from us to pick up "Cool Water Monthly" and actually find out what he does.

Surely there's more privileged kids out there with great entry-level slave gigs. If you know of a media-elite-child slumming as a working stiff — and we mean more intern and assistant level slummy — do tell. Outing them is the only way we can rescue them!

Earlier: Children of the Working Class: Fortunate Slaves?

*As it turns out, David Katzenberg's been fetching things for Mark Burnett Productions, specifically for the Contender. A natural step from Graydon Carter's office, of course.