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An amateur photo sleuth commenting on Search Engine Herald lays out, in excruciating detail, the red flags raised by the Larry Page/Lucy Southworth makeout pics. "Zaza" makes a few excellent (if creepy) points:

Lucy's got a sweater on when she's horizontal with Larry — a sweater that wasn't in the sitting-up shots. So that pic was probably taken first.
Is that the New York Post in the background? There must be some connection with that Post paparazzi job on Lucy.
They know the camera's there — but hey, that could just be a friend, not the press.

So maybe this was a staged leak. In which case, rock on, you crazy Google kids. Keep up the fun.

Larry Page and Lucy Southworth pictures [SEH]
Earlier: Larry and Lucy: We cannot overstress the hotness [Valleywag]